Growth Promotion Test-SOP

SOP for Growth Promotion Test | growth Promotion Test Procedure | Media Growth Promotion Testing |

  • Growth Promotion Test SOP covers below points :
    • General precautions
    • Preparation of media
    • Growth promotion test of microbiological media/medium procedure
    • growth promotion test of the Agar medium
    • growth promotion test of the Broth medium
    • growth promotion test of selective media (Indicative reactions)
    • growth promotion test acceptance criteria
    • Growth Promoting, Inhibitory and Indicative properties of media
  • To provide a procedure for Growth promotion test of microbiological media.
2.0 SCOPE :
  • This procedure applies for growth promotion test of new lot of Microbiological media.
  • Microbiologist
  • Head of Department
Growth promotion test is carried out for every new batch/lot of media/medium to determine the suitability of culture media. Prepare approximately 100 cfu/ml dilution of respective culture for growth promotion testing of different microbiological culture media.
5.1 General precautions :
  • Take clean, dried glassware of desired volume as per quantity of media.
  • Use separate spatula for separate media to avoid cross contamination.
5.2 Preparation of media:
  • After receiving new Lot / Batch of the media open each container and withdraw 5.00 gm quantity from container, Make a composite sample and use for further test.
  • Take clean dried conical flask as per the requirement of media. Weigh and suspend the quantity of the dehydrated media as per volume required, as per manufacturer’s instruction.
  • Check the pH of media; adjust the pH using 0.1 M HCl/ 0.1 M NaOH, if required.
  • Autoclave it at 121°C, 15 lbs for 15 minutes.
5.3 Growth promotion test of microbiological media/medium:
  • Select the organism as per annexure-2, Growth Promoting, Inhibitory and Indicative properties of Media, for growth promotion having count NMT 100 cfu/ml.
  • Preparation of Inoculum:
    • Streak the particular organism as per annexure-2, Growth Promoting, inhibitory and Indicative properties of Media, on sterile slant of SCDA for bacteria and SCA for fungi. Incubate the slant for 30°C to 35°C at 18 to 24 hours for bacteria and 20°C to 25°C for 72 to 120 hours for fungi.
    • Transfer a loopful culture to 10 ml of sterile saline.
    • Shake it properly so as to obtain uniform suspension of the organism.
    • Take 0.1 ml of above suspension and add aseptically to another test tube containing 9.9 ml sterile saline.
    • Shake the tube gently and uniformly between the palms, the final inoculum is supposed to contain 100 CFU/ml.
  • For the growth promotion test of the Agar medium:
    • Take 1.0 ml of final inoculum containing 100 CFU/ml into sterile empty petri plates in duplicate and pour 15-20 ml of sterile respective media to be examined (temperature not more than 450C) gently.
    • Mix the suspension and media.
    • Allow to solidify the media at room temperature.
    • Keep the plates in inverted position in incubator at respective temperature and time as per annexure-2, Growth Promoting, Inhibitory and Indicative properties of Media.
    • After completion of incubation period, count the colonies under colony counter.
    • Positive control: Repeat the above steps with previously tested and approved batch/ lot of media.
    • Negative control: Take 1 ml final inoculum without test organism.
    • Compare the microorganisms growth of the microorganisms occurs comparable to that previously obtained with a previously tested and approved batch of medium.
    • Calculate average CFU of the new lot of media and average CFU of the previously approved lot of media and % recovery by using following equation;

Mean cfu = P1 + P2 / 2

% Recovery = Mean cfu observed x 100 / Inoculated cfu/ml

  • Acceptance criteria:
    • The average CFU of the new batch of media should be comparable to the average CFU of the batch of previously approved media.
    • The % recovery not less than 50%.
  • For the growth promotion test of the Broth medium:
    • Take 1.0 ml of the final inoculums suspension in to sterile tube containing medium.
    • Gently, mix the suspension and keep the tube for incubation as per annexure-2, Growth Promoting, Inhibitory and Indicative properties of Media.
    • After completion of Incubation period, compare result with positive and negative control.
    • Positive control: Repeat the above step with previously approved media lot.
    • Negative control: Take 1 ml final inoculum without test organism.
    • Compare visually, the growth (Turbidity) in the tubes of the new media with previously approved medium.
    • Acceptance criteria: The growth (turbidity) in the tube of the new batch of media should be comparable to the batch of previously approved media.
  • For the growth promotion test of selective media (Indicative reactions):
    • Take loopful of the final inoculums and streak on agar surface of respective media.
    • Keep the plates in inverted position in incubator at respective temperature and time as per annexure-2, Growth Promoting, Inhibitory and Indicative properties of Media.
    • After completion of incubation period compare the result with positive and negative control.
    • Positive control: Repeat the above step with previously approved media lot.
    • Negative control: Take 1 ml final inoculum without test organism.
    • Compare visually, the colonies characters on the new media agar plates with the colonies characters on the previously approved media agar plates as per annexure-2, Growth Promoting, inhibitory and Indicative properties of Media.
    • Acceptance criteria: The colonies characters on the new media agar plates should be comparable with the colonies characters on the previously approved media agar plates.
AbbreviationExpanded form
SCDASoyabean Casein Digest Agar
SCDMSoyabean Casein Digest Medium
SCASabouraud Chloramphenicol Agar
cfuColony Forming Unit
SOPStandard Operating Procedure
°CDegree Celsius
NCIMNational Collection of Industrial Microorganisms
NANot applicable
RVSE BrothRappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella Enrichment Broth

Annex. No.Title
01Growth Promotion Test Record
02Growth Promoting, Inhibitory and Indicative properties of media

  • Indian Pharmacopoeia
  • United State Pharmacopoeia 38 NF 33 <61>, <62>
  • British Pharmacopoeia 2015 Appendix XVI B.



Annex. No. 01 Growth Promotion Test Record

Annex. No. 02 Growth Promoting, Inhibitory and Indicative properties of media